Extra helpful
Let's play a little game with imagery. Picture yourself as someone with an extra $12,000 sitting around. Now imagine that you're going to use that money to buy twenty pounds of marijuana from people. So you meet up with them, and, instead of them exchanging goods for currency, they decide that they can probably make even more money if they first rob you, and then keep the pot to themselves. Do you decide that now is the time to call the police and explain the whole situation?
Better yet, do you call the police while chasing the dealers?
For their part, the police actually suggested to the people who lived this situation that maybe they shouldn't engage in pursuit. Something about maybe deciding that they'd gotten themselves in far enough over their own heads that it might be time to pull back and just let it go. Besides, with a tip about someone driving around with guns and many pounds of drugs, the cops probably felt that they'd be able to get at least some arrests out of the deal. The original victims did listen to the police, and the cops were able to raid the house, making arrests. But it may not end there, because the people looking to buy aren't off the hook completely yet, either.
Listen, folks. If you're actively involved in a crime at the time (and, at least right now, buying marijuana is still considered a crime), and you become the victim of a crime, you have all rights to call the police. But it might be a good idea to omit the details of your own misdoings from the conversation. You know, unless you really like helping the cops do their job.
If these guys were living in the DC Universe, they might be named "The Self Incriminators". But Aquaman would finally have villains he could handle.
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